This chapter describes Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
ISDN.001 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.001 I_ERR (0x status) len( msglen) on rcv nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.001 Packet received with I_ERR set (status = 0x status) or bad length( msglen), on network network ID
Description: YDC ISDN: isdny_rx() received a buffer from the driver with the error flag set or with a length less than the minimum.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.002 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.002 RX bad type (0x type) on nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.002 Received an unrecognized packet type (0x type), on network network ID
Description: YDC ISDN: isdny_rx() received a packet with an unrecognized type.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.003 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.003 ConnID 0x ConnID Status msg cause (0x cause0:0x cause1) message on nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.003 ConnID (0x ConnID) Received a status message from the ISDNcard: Cause field 0x cause0:0x cause1 ( message) on network network ID
Description: isdny_rx() received a status message from the ISDN card.
ISDN.004 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.004 ConnID 0x ConnID message displaystring (cause 0x cause0:0x cause1) on nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.004 ConnID (0x ConnID) received a message ( displaystring) from the ISDNcard: Cause field 0x cause0:0x cause1 on network network ID
Description: isdny_rx() received an NLS Display Information status message from the ISDN card. This may reflect error conditions at the network interface.
Action: If the network interface will not come up, contact customer service, and/or your local service provider.
ISDN.005 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.005 ConnID 0x ConnID Bad msg (0x message) in stt state, sts 0x status, len length, cse(0x cause1:0x cause2) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.005 ConnID 0x ConnID received an unexpected message (0x message) in state state, status 0x status, length length, cause (0x cause1:0x cause2) on network network ID
Description: isdny_rx() received an unexpected packet in its current state.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.006 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.006 Bad Config nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.006 The ISDN network interface configuration for network network ID is bad.
Description: The configuration of the ISDN network for this port is incomplete, missing, or inconsistent.
Action: Verify that the ISDN configuration for this interface includes at least the Local Address.
ISDN.007 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.007 Download failed (0x dlstat), PUD status(0x pudstat) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.007 Download of the ISDN network interface card failed with status 0x dlstat, Power-Up Diagnostics code 0x pudstat for network network ID.
Description: Either power-up diagnostics results inhibit download, or the download image itself was corrupted.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.008 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.008 Download OK, PUD status (0x pudstat) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.008 Download of the ISDN network interface card succeeded, Power-Up Diagnostics returned 0x pudstat for network network ID.
Description: Download of the ISDN smart card completed normally.
ISDN.009 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.009 Config bad st (0x cfgstat) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.009 The ISDN network interface card rejected configuration with the status 0x cfgstat for network network ID.
Description: Part of the ISDN smart card configuration is inconsistent or missing.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.010 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.010 Config ok nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.010 Configuration of the ISDN network interface card succeeded for network network ID.
Description: Configuration of the ISDN smart card completed normally.
ISDN.011 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.011 Board Down DCT flags in (0x idctst) out (0x odctst) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.011 INIDEV of the ISDN network interface card failed, DCT flags for input and output are 0x idctst and 0x odctst respectively for network network ID.
Description: The ISDN card isn't responding to driver initialization attempts.
Action: Test the network interface. If this does not correct the problem, restart the router. Report this error to customer service.
ISDN.012 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.012 Dead Board nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.012 The ISDN network interface card for network network ID is dead.
Description: The ISDN interface card is not responding at all. A router restart is required (at minimum).
Action: Verify that the correct slot was specified in the device configuration, and restart the card. If it still fails, reseat the card in the router. Lastly, contact customer service and report a hardware failure.
ISDN.013 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.013 Board reset complete nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.013 The ISDN network interface card for network network ID has been reset. Attempting download.
Description: The board crashed. As the first step in recovering, we reset it.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.014 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.014 Unexpected state ( state1) instead of state2 nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.014 ISDN handler state ( state1) is different from that expected ( state2) for internal event on network network ID.
Description: An event occurred in a state that is inconsistent with the design of the FSM.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.015 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.015 Chn channel FSM st state1 ev event -> state2 nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.015 Channel channel FSM transition occurred: old state state1, event event, new state state2 on network network ID.
Description: An FSM transition occurred.
ISDN.016 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.016 Chn channel ConnID 0x ConnID FSM odd stt state1 ev event -> state2 nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.016 Channel channel ConnID 0x ConnID unusual FSM state transition occurred: old state state1, event event, new state state2 on network network ID.
Description: A transition occurred in the ISDN handler's channel FSM contrary to the normal path, because of resource shortages, or synchronization problem between the interface card and the router.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.017 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.017 Chn channel N-CONN-RQ bad iostat 0x status nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.017 An N-CONN-RQ I/O request for channel channel completed with status 0x status network network ID.
Description: The ISDN handler sent an N-CONN-RQ to the interface card, but the transfer did not complete successfully.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.018 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.018 No Hchn channel A-DISC-RQ nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.018 A client issued a disconnect request for a connection ( channel) unrecognized by the handler on network network ID.
Description: A client of the ISDN handler issued a disconnect request (isdny_client_DR) for a connection unknown to the handler. This indicates a serious synchronization problem between the handler and its client.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.019 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.019 Bd stats cmp sts 0x status nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.019 A statistics request to the interface card was returned with a bad status (0x status) for network network ID.
Description: The handler for the CNX YDC ISDN card regularly issues statistics requests to the ISDN card, and the status on this request was bad. This may indicate a slight congestion problem on the control queue between the router and the card, or, if it persists, it may indicate a problem with the card.
Action: If this problem persists, test the network interface. If it is a persistent problem, report the event to customer service.
ISDN.020 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: ISDN.020 Chn channel ConnID 0x ConnID Rxd Dt Pkt ln msglen bd stt state nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.020 Channel channel ConnID 0x ConnID : received a Data Packet of length ( msglen) in wrong state ( state) from network network ID.
Description: The handler for the CNX YDC ISDN card received a data packet for the indicated channel, but the channel was not in Data Transfer state. This may delay the establishment of the Serial Link over the connection for several seconds. This usually indicates a misordering in the receipt of signalling and data packets from the network interface.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.021 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: ISDN.021 Chn channel ConnID 0x ConnID RxD Pkt ln msglen nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.021 Channel channel ConnID 0x ConnID received a Data Packet of length ( msglen) from network network ID.
Description: The handler for the CNX YDC ISDN card received a data packet for the indicated channel in Data Transfer state.
ISDN.022 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: ISDN.022 ConnID 0x ConnID Rxd msgtype Pkt ln msglen bd stt state nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.022 ConnID 0x ConnID received a msgtype Packet of length ( msglen) in wrong state ( state) from network network ID.
Description: The handler for the CNX YDC ISDN card received a control packet for the indicated channel, but the channel was not in the appropriate state.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.023 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: ISDN.023 ConnID 0x ConnID Rxd N_STAT_IN ln msglen cause 0x cause1:0x cause2 nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.023 ConnID 0x ConnID received a N_STAT_IN message of length ( msglen) cause 0x cause1:0x cause2 from network network ID.
Description: The handler for the CNX YDC ISDN card received a Status Indication for the indicated connection.
ISDN.024 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.024 Start Rq bd st (0x startstatus) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.024 The ISDN network interface card rejected a N_START_RQ with the status 0x startstatus for network network ID.
Description: The ISDN interface card is not in a consistent state with the handler.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.025 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.025 Start ok nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.025 Start of the ISDN network interface card succeeded for network network ID.
Description: Start of the ISDN smart card completed normally.
ISDN.026 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.026 Hndlr inidev() st state nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.026 Handler inidev() from state state for network network ID.
Description: Initialization of the device interface by the device handler.
ISDN.027 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.027 Hndlr N_START_RQ nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.027 Handler sent N_START_RQ for network network ID.
Description: N_START_RQ sent to device interface.
ISDN.028 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.028 Can't N_START_RQ DCT i/o flg (0x istatus:0x ostatus) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.028 Either the device status (0x istatus:0x ostatus) or the lack of a buffer prevented an N_START_RQ to the ISDN CNX YDC port for network network ID.
Description: The handler has to send an N_START_RQ to initiate transfers, but can't.
ISDN.029 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.029 Brd Crsh -- rstrng: nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.029 Interface software crash, attempting restart nt network ID
Description: The ISDN CNX YDC board software has crashed (LOG_EXIT).
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.030 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.030 Tx Frm too long ( frame > configsize) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.030 The size of the frame ( frame) passed to the ISDN handler for transmission exceeded the maximum size configured ( configsize -- less one) net network ID
Description: The ISDN CNX YDC card restricts the transmit size to be one less than the maximum configured, and discards any frames that exceed this length. Check the encapsulator packet size. It should be smaller than the ISDN frame size less one and less any encapsulator headers.
ISDN.031 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.031 Cll rfsd frm FromAddress: FromSubAddress to ToAddress: ToSubAddress on nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.031 Incoming Call Refused from FromAddress: FromSubAddress to ToAddress: ToSubAddress on net network ID
Description: An N_CONN_IND was received from the ISDN network, but no registered client chose to accept it.
Action: Check the reported address against those configured. It may be that the remote router's configuration is in error, or that some device on the ISDN network is calling the wrong number.
ISDN.032 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.032 Chn Channel ConnID 0x ConnID Cll Txcmp on nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.032 Channel Channel ConnID 0x ConnID: transfer of N_CONN_RQ to ISDN smart card completed on net network ID
Description: A connection has been successfully initiated.
ISDN.033 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.033 Chn Channel ConnID 0x ConnID FSM st state1 ev event -> state2 nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.033 Channel Channel ConnID 0x ConnID FSM transition: old state state1, event event, new state state2 on network network ID.
Description: An FSM transition occurred.
ISDN.034 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.034 Chn UN ConnID UNAS callout rfsd (no chnl/destrsp) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.034 Channel (unassigned) ConnID (unassigned) call out refused (no channel available, or destination not responding) on network network ID.
Description: Connection setup failed, either because no spare channel was available, or the destination has refused (retry-count) previous calls within the timeout period. In the latter case, a subsequent attempt will proceed once the timeout has expired.
Action: Verify that the address configured for the dial circuits is correct, and that at least one of the two channels (locally and at the destination) is currently unassigned.
ISDN.035 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.035 Inv Chn (0x Channel) ConnID 0x ConnID ev message nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.035 Invalid Channel (0x Channel) ConnID 0x ConnID in message message on network network ID.
Description: The channel type in a message received from the interface card was invalid. The message was ignored or rejected.
Action: This may indicate that the ISDN switch to which the interface card is connected is trying to initialize connections on channels that the software cannot recognize. One instance of note may be the unassigned value (reported as 0xFF, but actually 0x0), which, if it persists, may prevent any connections. Contact customer service.
ISDN.036 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.036 Bad drct Tx prot Protocol, remap to dial circuit on nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.036 Some forwarder ( Protocol) has attempted to transmit directly over the ISDN network network ID
Description: Transmits over the ISDN network are only supposed to be done via an associated dial circuit, which will do an appropriate encapsulation. This event was caused by a mistake in the configuration of the forwarders. No forwarder should be configured to use the ISDN network. To bound the number of these messages, they will be logged only a fraction of the actual events.
Cause: A forwarder (IP, IPX, etc) address was assigned to the ISDN interface.
Action: Delete the address, and (probably) re-assign it to a dial circuit (which is itself mapped to the ISDN network).
Cause: The bridge or other forwarder has been configured to use the ISDN interface.
Action: Remove the ISDN interface as a port used by the bridge or forwarder.
ISDN.037 |
Short Syntax: ISDN.037 Stat Rq bd st (0x startstatus) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.037 The ISDN network interface card rejected a N_STAT_RQ (parameter download) with the status 0x startstatus for network network ID.
Description: The ISDN interface card failed to accept the configuration parameters sent down by the router and initialize properly.
Action: Report this event to customer service.
ISDN.038 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.038 Parameter download ok nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.038 Parameter download for the ISDN network interface card succeeded for network network ID.
Description: The ISDN card accepted and initialized correctly with the configuration parameters passed down from the router.
ISDN.039 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.039 Hndlr N_STAT_RQ nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.039 Handler sent N_STAT_RQ for network network ID.
Description: N_STAT_RQ sent to device interface.
ISDN.040 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.040 Can't N_STAT_RQ DCT i/o flg (0x istatus:0x ostatus) nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.040 Either the device status (0x istatus:0x ostatus) or the lack of a buffer prevented an N_STAT_RQ to the ISDN CNX port for network network ID.
Description: The handler has to send an N_STAT_RQ for configuration parameter download, but can't.
ISDN.041 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: ISDN.041 Too many non-resp, will try later nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.041 Too many non-responses, will try later on network network ID.
Description: The destination has refused (retry-count) previous calls within the timeout period. A subsequent attempt will proceed once the timeout has expired.
Action: Verify that the address configured for the dial circuits is correct, and that at least one of the two channels (locally and at the destination) is currently unassigned.
ISDN.042 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: ISDN.042 event nt network ID
Long Syntax: ISDN.042 event on network network ID.
Description: Trace of Physical layer events.
ISDN.043 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: ISDN.043 packet
Long Syntax: ISDN.043 packet.
Description: ISDN packet trace.
Panic isdnym |
Short Syntax: YDC ISDN: mem alloc fld
Description: The YDC ISDN network handler failed to allocate sufficient memory during the initialization phase.
Action: Contact customer service.